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Cosmetic DentistryDental Implants

How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take?

Key Takeaways:

  • The dental implant procedure involves multiple stages including initial consultation, dental examination and treatment planning, implant surgery, post-surgery recovery, and the placement of the dental crown.
  • The entire dental implant procedure, from consultation to the placement of the crown, typically takes 4 to 8 months, though it can vary based on individual factors and additional procedures.
  • Understanding the dental implant procedure timeline allows patients to make an informed decision about whether dental implants are a suitable treatment option.

A dental implant procedure typically takes between three to six months. This timeline includes the initial consultation, surgery, recovery, and the placement of the crown. However, it may vary depending on individual circumstances, including healing speed and whether additional procedures such as bone grafts are required.

How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take

Table of Contents

The Dental Implant Procedure Timeline

Dental implants are a modern and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. However, it may be overwhelming for people to understand the entire process.

To help demystify the dental implant procedure timeline, this article will discuss what happens at each stage.

Initial Consultation With The Dentist

At the beginning of the dental implant process, you will have an initial consultation with your dentist to discuss your needs and goals.

During this appointment, you have the chance to discuss any concerns or queries regarding the procedure, while the dentist evaluates your oral well-being to ascertain whether dental implants are the appropriate remedy for you.

During this consultation, be prepared to discuss your medical history, any medications you are taking, and any previous experiences with dental work. Your dentist will also examine your teeth, gums, and jaw to determine the most suitable implant solution for you.

Dental Examination And Treatment Plan

After the initial consultation, your dentist will perform a thorough dental examination. This may involve taking X-rays, CT scans, or 3D images of your mouth to assess the condition of your jaws and teeth, and to determine the optimal placement of the dental implants.

Based on the examination results, the dentist will create a personalised treatment plan for you. This plan will outline the recommended number of dental implants, their position, and the type of dental crown that will be used on top of the implant.

The dentist will also provide an estimated cost of the entire procedure and discuss any additional procedures that may be required, such as bone grafting or gum treatment.

Dental Implant Surgery – Procedure And Time Required

Once your treatment plan has been finalised, you are ready for the dental implant surgery. The process starts with local anaesthesia (or sedation, if preferred) to ensure a painless experience. Your dentist will make a small incision in your gum to expose the jawbone, and then drill a hole to serve as a fitting spot for the dental implant.

The dental implant, usually made of titanium, will be placed securely into the jawbone. Depending on your dentist’s recommendations and your specific needs, they may use either a one-stage or two-stage approach. With a one-stage procedure, a healing abutment will be attached, leaving the top of the implant exposed to the oral cavity.

In a two-stage procedure, the gum will be stitched back over the implant and the abutment will be attached during a later appointment. Dental implant surgery typically takes about 1 to 2 hours per implant.


Procedure And Time Required

Post-Surgery Recovery – What To Expect And How Long It Takes

After dental implant surgery Perth, expect some swelling, pain, and bruising in the affected area. Your dentist will provide pain management and aftercare instructions to help minimise discomfort and promote healing.

In most cases, patients can return to their regular activities within a day or two.

Over the next few months, your dental implant will be going through a process called osseointegration, where it fuses with your jawbone.

This important step helps create a strong foundation for your new tooth. Osseointegration typically takes about 3 to 6 months, but it may vary depending on the patient’s healing process.

Placing The Dental Crown – Completion Of The Procedure

Once osseointegration has taken place and the dental implant is securely integrated into the jawbone, it is time for the final step: placing the dental crown.

Your dentist will first take an impression of your mouth to create a custom-made dental crown that matches the colour, shape, and size of your remaining teeth. This ensures a natural-looking and functional result.

The dental crown can either be screwed or cemented onto the abutment, which is connected to the dental implant. The entire dental implant procedure, from consultation to crown placement, usually takes around 4 to 8 months, but this can vary based on individual factors and whether additional procedures are required.


The dental implant procedure is a multi-stage process that usually takes several months to complete. While the timeline can vary depending on the patient’s dental health, the number of teeth being replaced and other factors, it typically involves consultation, examination, surgery, recovery, and placement of the dental crown.

By understanding what is involved in each stage of the procedure and how long it takes, you can make an informed decision about whether dental implants are right for you. Feel free to contact us here, at Coolamon Dental Centre, if you need further information or have any questions about the dental implant procedure unanswered.


Is Putting A Tooth Implant Painful?

Placing a tooth implant usually involves local anaesthesia, so the procedure itself is not painful. However, some discomfort may be experienced during the dental healing process.

Can You Get A Temporary Tooth While Waiting For An Implant?

Yes, a temporary tooth or denture can be provided while waiting for the implant procedure to be completed.

Can A Tooth Implant Be Done In One Day?

Yes, certain procedures known as “immediate” or “same-day” implants allow for the placement of the implant and crown in one day. However, this is dependent on specific patient conditions.

Can You Eat After Dental Implants?

Yes, once the dental implant heals and the crown is placed, you can eat normally. However, it’s recommended to eat soft foods for a few days after implant surgery.

Are You Put To Sleep For Dental Implants?

Dental implant surgery is usually done under local anaesthesia. However, sedation or general anaesthesia may be used in more complex cases or for patients with dental anxiety.

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?

Dental implants are designed to be long-lasting and can potentially last a lifetime with proper care. However, the crown placed on the implant may need replacement after 10-15 years due to wear and tear.

How Long Do Gums Take To Heal After Implants?

After dental implant surgery, the gums typically take 1-2 weeks to heal. The bone, however, takes a few months to fuse with the implant in a process called osseointegration.