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Dental Implants

Root Canal vs Implant: What You Should Know

Root canals and implants are two standard dental procedures, especially in Australia. If you need a dental practice, you may be wondering which is the best option for you. 

Your dentist can save your tooth with a root canal by removing the infected pulp and replacing it with a replacement material. If necessary, you can combine this treatment with a crown.

On the other hand, a dental implant necessitates the extraction of your natural tooth and inserting a metal post into your jawbone. Your dentist will then attach a dental crown to your tooth, allowing you to chew normally.

Are you debating between a root canal and an implant? Continue reading to compare the two options and decide which one you prefer. 

Root Canal vs Implant: What You Should Know

Root Canal Vs Implants

Root Canal  

A root canal is a procedure used to treat an infected tooth or a cavity. The dentist will remove the infected or decayed tissue from the tooth during a root canal. The dentist will then clean and seal the tooth. Root canals are a less invasive procedure than implants and also less expensive. However, root canals can sometimes cause pain and discomfort after the procedure.  


Implants are a procedure that is used to replace a missing tooth. The dentist will implant a titanium post into the jawbone during an implant procedure. The position will act as a replacement for the root of the tooth. A dental implant will then be attached to the post. Implants are a more invasive procedure than root canals and also more expensive. However, implants are a more permanent solution than root canals. They are also less likely to cause pain and discomfort after the procedure.

Both root canal therapy and dental implants are effective treatments for teeth that are infected or have a large cavity. Root canal therapy is a less expensive treatment than dental implants. However, implants are more durable and look more natural than root canal therapy.

How to Assess the Condition of Your Teeth?

Your teeth are one of the essential features of your face. They help you chew and speak, but they also play a role in your overall appearance. That’s why it’s necessary to keep them in good condition by brushing and flossing regularly and seeing your dentist for checkups. But how can you tell if your teeth are in good condition? 

Here Are A Few Tips:  

  • Check for cavities. Cavities are holes that form in your teeth due to tooth decay. They can be painful and lead to other dental problems if left untreated. To check for cavities, your dentist will use a unique tool called a dental mirror to look for any signs of decay.  
  • Look for signs of gum disease. Gum disease is a condition that affects the gums and bones around the teeth. It can cause tooth loss and other health problems if left untreated. Your dentist will look for redness, swelling, and bleeding around the gums to check for gum disease.  
  • Check for signs of tooth decay. Tooth decay is a condition that occurs when the teeth are exposed to too much sugar. It can cause cavities and other dental problems if left untreated. To check for tooth decay, your dentist will look for signs of brown or black spots on the teeth.  
  • Check for signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer is a type of cancer that affects the mouth. It can be deadly if not treated early. Your dentist will look for signs of lumps or lesions on the lips, tongue, or throat to check for oral cancer. 

If you are concerned about the condition of your teeth, be sure to talk to your dentist. They can assess the situation of your teeth and recommend any necessary treatment.

How To Get Rid Of Toothache Or Tooth Infection Symptoms?   

Toothache or tooth infection symptoms can be excruciating and frustrating. Here are a few tips on how to get rid of toothache or tooth infection symptoms:  

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater.  
  2. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help reduce pain.  
  3. Apply a cold compress to the area to help reduce swelling. 
  4. See your dentist as soon as possible.

Can A Root Canal Be Replaced With An Implant?  

A root canal is a dental procedure that is used to treat a tooth that is infected or has a cavity. The procedure involves removing the infected or decayed tissue from the tooth’s root canal system. A root canal can be replaced with an implant if the tooth is not salvageable.

How Long After A Root Canal Can You Get An Implant?   

If you need a tooth extraction, your dentist may recommend a root canal instead. This is a procedure for saving a tooth that has been badly damaged or infected. A root canal is a dental procedure that cleans and seals the tooth’s root.

Once a root canal is completed, you will need to wait a certain amount of time before getting an implant. How long you will need to wait will depend on your situation. In most cases, you will need to wait at least three months. 

If you need a tooth extraction, your dentist may recommend a root canal instead. A root canal is a procedure used to clean and seal the root of a tooth. 

Once a root canal is completed, you will need to wait a certain amount of time before getting an implant. How long you will need to wait will depend on your situation. In most cases, you will need to wait at least three months.

Can Root Canals Fail?  

Yes, root canals can fail. Root canals are one of the most common dental procedures, and while they are typically successful, they can fail. There are a few reasons why a root canal may fail. 

One reason may be that the canal was not adequately cleaned or sealed. If bacteria or other debris is left in the canal, it can cause the tooth to become infected, and the root canal may need to be repeated.  

Another reason a root canal may fail is if the tooth is not adequately supported. If the tooth is not strong enough to withstand the pressure of chewing, it may eventually break, and the root canal will need to be repeated. If you are experiencing any pain or other symptoms after a root canal, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Can A Root Canal Last A Lifetime?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to treat a tooth that is infected or has a cavity. The procedure involves removing the infected or decayed tissue from the tooth’s root canal and then sealing the canal with a filling material. A root canal can last a lifetime if properly taken care of. 

There are a few things that you can do to help ensure the longevity of your root canal. First, make sure to brush and floss your teeth regularly. This will help keep the teeth and gums healthy and free of bacteria. It would help if you also visited your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. If you notice any signs of infection or decay, see your dentist right away. 

Your root canal can last a lifetime if you take care of it. However, if you do not adequately care for it, it may not last as long as you would like. Talk to your dentist if you have any questions or concerns about your root canal.

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Fill in the form below to book your complementary consultation. Alternatively you can call our Dental Implants treatment team on (08) 9361 5544.