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Dental Implants

Full Mouth Dental Implant – Cost, Procedure Alternative

Key Takeaways:

  • Full-mouth dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth.
  • They involve fixing four to six implants per row of teeth for stability.
  • There are two main types of full mouth dental implants: all on 4 and same day.
  • Other options include zirconia bridges and full implants no-denture.
  • Alternative options to full mouth dental implants include dentures and dental bridges.

Full Mouth Dental Implant - Cost, Procedure Alternative

What Are Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Full mouth dental implants are a comprehensive dental solution for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth. They involve the surgical placement of titanium posts into the jawbone, which serve as roots for the new artificial teeth. These implants provide a sturdy foundation, ensuring the artificial teeth function just like natural ones. This procedure not only restores the function and aesthetics of the mouth but also helps preserve the jawbone, preventing further bone loss often associated with missing teeth.

Benefits Of Full Mouth Dental Implants 

There are many factors regarding the superiority of full-mouth dental implants over other methods when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Some of these include:

1. Preservation of Bone Structure

The jawbone, which is underneath the gum, gives it support and stability. This is why you can talk, eat or use your jaw freely without issues. However, upon the loss of a tooth, the jawbone loses its stamina, and some corners of your mouth might begin to hurt when this happens.

This is where full-mouth dental implants come in; they provide the same support as your natural tooth. They stimulate your jawbone to give stability to the tooth crown.

2. Appropriate for people with High Caries Index

Research shows that people with high caries index often experience cavities often. Hence, leading to tooth loss and damage. However, full-mouth dental implants have proven to be very beneficial for these kinds of people.

3. Greater Success Rate percentage

Unlike dentures and ridges, these implants do not need constant replacement. They instead derive strength from the bone and gum that grow around the implant material.

Also, with proper care and hygiene, they’re bound to last for 20–35 years.

4. Natural Look

Full-mouth dental implants have an appearance that makes it difficult to tell them apart from the natural tooth. This feature boosts confidence and the appearance of a beautiful smile.

5. Preservation of Adjacent Teeth

With full-mouth dental implants, you can prevent what’s left of your natural teeth from shifting. When you put too much pressure on your remaining teeth, especially on the teeth adjacent to the missing ones, it causes wear and tear.

Full mouth dentures will help ease the stress and pressure from these teeth. 

Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost 

The cost of full mouth dental implants typically ranges from $6,000 to $60,000 per jaw. The cost varies depending on several factors, including the specific treatment plan and the number of implants required. It’s important to consult with a dental professional for a detailed estimate based on individual needs. Some health insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost.

What Are The Options Of Full Mouth Dental Implants? 

There are two main types of full-mouth dental implants.

All on 4 Dental Implants

The all-on-4 dental implants are made from acrylic fused to titanium, monolithic zirconia, and porcelain stacked to a cobalt-chromium frame. 

This technique or method requires replacing the upper or lower set of teeth with just four implants. These implants are then what act as the pillar or support mechanism for the new or fixed teeth about to be placed. 

Same Day Dental Implants 

Patients widely prefer this procedure as they only have to go through the needed surgical procedure in one day. 

It is also called “teeth in a day”. Everything gets done in one day, and you can carry along with normal activities involving your mouth and teeth.

Other Options 

Full-mouth dental implants have other types, which include::

Zirconia Bridges

Here, there’s the use of about six to eight dental implants, which is a very reliable option.

Full-Implants No-Denture

These have enough gum and bone structure to support one implant per tooth. Then, a tooth bridge with no gum stimulation is then fixated on top for a completely permanent restoration right after.

Traditional Removable Prosthetics

In traditional removable prosthetics, implants are needed to hold them down and in place whilst being supported by gums.

All-On-Six Dental Implants

This is similar to the all-on-four, except that this involves six implants instead of four. They give a stronger structure and support.

What Are The Procedures for Full Mouth Dental Implant? 

Initial Consultation & Treatment Planning 

The first step is to meet with a specialised implant dentist to determine if you are fit for the treatment. You should know that dental implant treatment is not suitable for everyone. There are certain rules to meet:

  • You should have enough strong bone in your jaw to support the implants firmly 
  • You should not have any disease like periodontitis
  • You must be above 18 years. This is because children do not have strong jaw bones to support implants. 

In this step, you’ll undergo X-rays, CT scans, and any other tests required to assess the health of your jawbone.

You can also discuss the cost with the dentist to see how much you’ll have to pay for the treatment. 

Placement Of Dental Implant 

After determining you are a good fit for the treatment, the dentist will prepare you. 

After the preparations, the dental surgeon will begin the procedure to insert the artificial teeth into your mouth surgically. 

Note: In cases where your teeth are crooked or broken in half, your dentist may need to extract the tooth before inserting the implants. If you don’t have enough jawbone, you will need to undergo a bone grafting procedure. 

When the implants are inserted, your dentist places temporary false teeth 3-4 days after surgery to allow the dental implants to fuse with your bone.

Final Restorations

Your dentist will take new mouth impressions after your dental implants have effectively fused to your jawbone. The impressions will be used to construct your permanent crown this time.

They will insert your permanent dental implant via an abutment after two weeks. This will be your new set of teeth.


After completing the dental implant procedure, your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments. They can follow your implants’ progress, ensuring that you are properly caring for them.

Ensure you follow your dentist’s instructions when healing. 

What Can I Expect? 

You should expect the occurrence of side effects such as bleeding, swelling of your face, pain and even slight bruising.

However, be assured that Coolamon Dental Care will ensure that you are in the safest hands. We will take adequate measures to ensure that your full-mouth dental implant procedure is successful.

Dr Kent Tan is a very experienced dentist, especially in implant dentistry. He performs between 500-1000 every year, all with successful results. 

Alternatives For Full Mouth Dental Implants 

Alternatives to full mouth dental implants include traditional dentures, partial dentures, and dental bridges. These options can be less invasive and more cost-effective, but they may not offer the same level of comfort, functionality, and aesthetics as dental implants. The best choice depends on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances, and should be discussed with a dental professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Teeth Are In A Full Mouth Of Implants? 

A full-mouth dental implant can contain between 12‐16 artificial teeth — the upper and lower jaw each contain between 6 or 8 implants.

How Long Does Full Mouth Implant Last? 

The average range for this is 15 to 30 years, depending strictly on your diet, oral hygiene and other habits.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

As it is a surgical procedure, it is completely normal for patients to experience discomfort and pain during and after the process. This might even go on for three days or more.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Some of the pros include their cost efficiency when compared to other methods for tooth replacement. They also last for a relatively long period and require less maintenance. 

Some of their cons include the need for enough bone to support them; this already makes it a procedure not entirely open to all. There’s also the possibility of the wearing out of the restoration on top.

How Long Does A Full Dental Implant Procedure Take?

The length of the dental implant procedure includes some processes that may take hours only, and then the entire healing time may take months.

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